
Thursday, June 8, 2023

Crispy & Flaky Scallion Pancake- - Taiwanese

Since the day my Oncologist told me to avoid raw sugar in my diet and to go low in Carbo intake, I was sad as I love carbo food. I have to plan out my menu for the week, and to make sure I have pasta once a week , no rice, more salad added to my diet. In fact my new eating habits has began since I had Chemo done 7 mths ago. And instead of rice , I make Chinese Pancakes or Chapati or pasta using healthy Wholewheat flour.

Today I will be sharing a good healthy recipe for a crispy and flaky Scallion Pancake using a combination of Wholewheat flour and AP flour.  I tweaked the flour mixture ratio, instead of using all AP flour , I added Wholewheat flour to lessen the gluten in the pancake. It turned out great. Ratio being.......1cup AP flour to 1/2 cup Wholewheat flour. The scallion pancake turned out crispy and flaky too and with a nutty flavour too. For now I won't be eating rice but instead of eating rice I replace the portion of rice with  Chapati, Wholewheat pancakes and Wholewheat Pasta. And on certain days just a bowl of ABC Soup with ribs, potato and carrot and red onions. And certain days just a big plate of stir fried french beans or longbeans with prawns or minced meat. Trying to be on a Keto diet but it's hard to do so coz I still love Flour products but cutting them down by half.

use the two palms to lightly squash the pancake to get a fluffy texture while still hot 

flaky and fluffy pancake ...loves it
press down the dough before rolling flat
after rolling the dough into a log, form two spirals at both ends, one big and one smaller spiral, stack the bigger spiral over the smaller spiral.
roll the dough into a flat rect shape and brush the oil paste on the surface before rolling from the long side into a long log
divide dough into equal portions and shape into round balls, leave to rest 30 mins to 2 hrs...
oil paste is made of lard, vegetable oil, flour and scallions

Click Recipe Link for a more detailed method of making this delicious Crispy  and Flaky Scallions.

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