Tuesday, April 26, 2022

Stir Fried Rice Cake/ Char Koay Kak

Previous post was on how to make steamed rice cake for this street food called ' Char Koay Kak ' .   Fried Rice Cake  / Char Koay Kak in Hokkien language,literally means Fried Squares of Rice Cake. I made the plain rice cake from scratch. We had ' Char Koay Kak' for lunch the day I made this steamed rice cake.  

Click link below for the recipe

Monday, April 25, 2022

Steamed Plain Rice Cake

Since the pandemic started, I have learned to make my own rice cake. Found one recipe that produce soft   firm and,springy . Perfect for making 'Char Koay Kak'... which is our all time favourite street food. Stir fried with preserved radish, bean sprouts , egg and lots of garlic.  Easy to make rice cake and the recipe is a keeper for sure. The recipe is from  Instagrammer  Sonia.  I will share her recipe below.

love the soft springy and light chewy texture

Steamed Rice Cake Recipe:



200gm overnight cooked rice

300g water  


100g corn flour

80 gm All Purpose Flour

1 tsp salt

60g water


Blend (A) in blender till smooth, Add in (B) and continue to blend till well combined and smooth.

Pour into a greased steaming tray and steam for 30mins.

Keep aside to cool before cutting.

Vegetarian Dish - Cabbage With Fermented Red Beancurd

Yesterday was Sunday and I thought perhaps I should cook a vegetarian dish with half cabbage, the balanced half actually after cooking the first half with sea prawns . A very delicious vegetarian dish with a combination of two types of canned mushrooms - straw mushrooms and button mushrooms, fried beancurd skin, wood ear fungus, glass noodles, carrots and cabbage. The most hero ingredient is the fermented red beancurd. Hubby likes it with not too much gravy but yet every piece of ingredients are well coated with the thick gravy of the fermented red beancurd . Of course, ginger slices and chopped garlic are important ingredients too , without them, the dish will not be flavour, they h add flavours to the dish. My late mom cooked this dish well. I couldn't recreated this dish like hers but will do for now.  Hubby enjoyed the dish eventhough he is a meat eater. I added a meat dish for him - canned Beef Curry ( Adabi brand ) A complete meal for two person.

Cabbage With Fermented Red Beancurd
Half cabbage - soaked,rinsed and cut into smaller pieces 
Fried beancurd skin- for vegetarian dish
Canned straw mushrooms - cut into halves
Canned button mushrooms - sliced
Half Carrot -sliced
Wood Ear Fungus - soaked
Glass Noodles - soaked
Saute ingredients
3 cloves of Garlic - chopped
3 slices of ginger
3 cubes of fermented red beancurd + 3 tbsp of  fermented red beancurd liquid
salt and chicken powder to taste.

Heat up 2 tbsp of cooking oil, saute garlic and ginger till fragrant, add in fermented red beancurd cubes and liquid, stir fry till cubes are mashed up.
Add in the mushrooms, wood ear fungus, fried beancurd skin. Continue stir fry for a few minutes, add in cabbage and stir fry till well combined. Add in water enough to soften the cabbage ( adjust accordingly- I added just enough for a thicker gravy )  and add in salt and chicken powder to taste. Once the cabbage has soften, add in the soaked glass noodles and carrots. Once carrot has slightly soften ,off heat and serve with rice.

Enjoy !

Friday, April 22, 2022

Chicken Schnitzel

Chicken Schnitzel for lunch. The Meaning of Schnitzel - a thin slice of veal or other light meat, coated in breadcrumbs and fried. Easy to prepare and taste good. It has been a long time since I last made them for my Meat Eater. We have extra brown sauce from Tuck Kee Restaurant when we bought Roast Duck , so I used the extra sauce for this Chicken Schnitzel. No wastage!

I need to improve on the texture
the breadcrumbs too fine. 

Chicken Schnitzel

1 large chicken breast - sliced horizontal across into three pieces on each side of breast . Rub Salt  and Pepper on each slices. Season for a few minutes. Coat with AP flour, then dip into whisk egg. After which, coat with breadcrumbs. Fried on shallow oil till golden browned and cooked through. Drain off excess oil on paper towel. Serve with brown sauce of your choice .

Friday, April 15, 2022

Chocolate Hot Cross Buns - Happy Easter

Today is Good Friday ..our Redeemer Lord  Jesus Christ was crucified. His Blood to redeem our Sins in order that we have Eternal life. "Thank you Lord Jesus for dying on the cross for us, which we do not deserved at all "
I have baked a load of Chocolate Hot Cross Buns to remind myself of His sacrificial love for all.
Happy Easter Holiday to all Christians and my loved ones .
Soft and fluffy buns

this recipe taken from Apron You tube channel...easy to make and delicious too
one portion of recipe can make 16 small buns
once the dough has proofed, divide into 16 equal portions
Recipe taken from You Tube Channel
Apron... Click link below for the full video

Ingredients :
280gm High Protein Flour
30gm sugar
30gm chocolate powder
1/4 tsp salt
150gm fresh milk
1/2tbsp instant yeast
30gm unsalted butter- room temperature

(C)- white cross
2tbsp flour
2tbsp fresh milk

100gm dark chocolate - chopped

Tuesday, April 12, 2022

Spinach Egg Noodles

The Covid pandemic started in 2020 and since then I have started learning how to make fresh pasta noodles and egg noodles. The starting was more difficult as I do not possess any pasta maker to help roll out the dough into thin and even thickness. Once the fresh noodles making addiction hits me, I decided to get a good pasta maker. Ordered online for a Marcato Pasta Maker and since then , there is no stopping me from making fresh noodles a few times in a month. I have been adventurous trying out new recipes and methods. I have tried making  fresh Spinach Fettuccine but have not tried Spinach Egg Noodles. Yesterday, I made a load of fresh Spinach Noodles using basic egg noodles recipe but added 2 tbsp of spinach juice in the dough making. It turned out great. Springy and has a slight chewy texture. I added the spinach pulps too for a more deep spinach taste. The green colour was not that outstanding but after cooking it has a deeper colour than when it was in raw noodle form. The recipe which I am going to share below will be a keeper for sure.
beautiful natural green colour
from the spinach juice
it is a joy to feel the thin strands of noodles in my hand....
Spinach Egg Noodles

Dough recipe- One full recipe = 4 bundles of 115 gm of noodles each bundle for 1pax. 
1 cup AP flour
1cup High Protein Flour
1tsp salt
2tbsp of blanched spinach juice + pulp

Knead into a dough. First knead the dough will not smooth. But after resting for 30mins, it will have a smoother texture. Leave to rest for 30 mins. Knead again for 7 mins (fold and press method)
Leave to rest for another 30mins. Repeat process for the 3rd time.
Use a pasta maker and roll into sheet from #0 to #7. Dust with potato starch. Crank out noodles using the Tagliolini press.

Tuesday, April 5, 2022

Pork Trotters Braised In Black Vinegar

Found a packet of frozen Pork Trotters at the base of my chest freezer. Been sitting in the freezer for almost 2 months. Had been wanting to braise the pork trotters with black vinegar but had been procrastinating . So time to cook it the way we like. I did a cheat one and skipped a few steps. Did a fast and simple one. First, saute slices of ginger with sesame oil till fragrant. Add in the blanched trotters and continue to stir fry for a few minutes. Add in 4 cups water and simmer till trotters are soft. Add in 1 cup of black vinegar and continue to simmer under low heat until trotters are tender soft. Add sugar and seasoning and salt to taste. Serve with rice.

Pork Trotters Braised In Black Vinegar.


1/2 of a pork trotter
Ginger slices 
2tbsp sesame oil
1/3 cup Brown sugar 
1/2 cup Black vinegar
4 cups water
Salt to taste

Blanch pork trotters. Drain dry. Leave aside.
Heat up 3 tbsp of sesame oil and saute ginger slices till fragrant. Add in water and blanched trotters. Simmer under low heat till trotters are soft. Add in black vinegar and brown sugar and continue to simmer further. Once the trotters are tender soft, add in salt to taste. Off heat and leave the trotters to further  absorbed in flavours . Serve with piping hot rice.

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