
Saturday, July 9, 2016

Prawn Omelette With Crispy Edges

If I can have an egg a day, I will surely have it everyday in my diet. I love them poached, steamed,  as half boiled or as omelette. But I am only allowed to eat them twice a week.  Wild boar loves omelette and   Today, I am sharing a simple and yet delicious omelette recipe, Prawn Omelette. There are many can either make a classic one or with fillings.  Our favorite is prawn omelette. 

When I am tired or too lazy to cook anything elaborate and too lazy to eat out :p, I will just cook this prawn omelette to either go with bread or plain rice.  This recipe doesn't need much preparation.  I always have shelled and deveined prawns ready packed in small tupper for each cooking in the freezer and thus this has made cooking prawn omelette even easier for me.  You can seasoned the prawns  10 mins before cooking, with just salt and pepper and a pinch of sugar. The rest is just slicing thinly garlic, red onion, italian parsley and for some heat, bird's eye chilli.  Beat up 3 eggs with 1/2 tsp of maggi seasoning and you are on the go to cooking the most flavorful prawn omelette :)

ingredients : 3 eggs, 1 red onion, 2 bird's eye chilli, sea prawns,
italian parsley and garlic

WB always remind me to make sure the edges are crisp...he loves
the  burnt crisps around the edges....smell good and taste good

Prawn Omelette With Crispy Edges


120 gm sea prawns - shelled and deveined - seasoned with a pinch of salt,pepper and sugar
1 red onion - sliced thinly
2 cloves of garlic - sliced thinly
2 bird's eye chilli - sliced thinly
1 sprig of italian parsley - coarsely chopped

3 eggs - beat up with a 1 tsp of  maggi seasoning

1/2 tbsp of rice bran oil

pan size 12 inch diameter or bigger for an omelette with crispy edges


Heat 1/2 tbsp of rice bran oil on a non-stick pan, saute the seasoned prawns till cooked, add in onions, garlic, chilli, italian parsley and stir fry for a few seconds.  Dish up and keep aside.

Pour in the beaten egg , add in the cooked ingredients evenly around the surface, swirl the beaten eggs till it covered the whole pan area . The edges will be thinner than the center part. Once the egg has set on bottom, flip over the cook the other side till both sides are cooked through and edges are crispy and golden brown.

Serve with bread or with rice.
