
Monday, October 19, 2015

Curry Times @ Changi Airport - Singapore

The moment we touched down in Singapore, the first thing we looked for was food. We were feeling hungry, reason being, we skipped breakfast that morning :)  After the immigration clearance, we met our son and new daughter at the food court of Changi Airport.  There were so many choices to choose from  and we ended up in Curry Times coz my son said he miss curry...hehehehe or rather he miss my curry :p.  Anyway we ordered a few of their curry dishes and we were quite happy with their curries. Style of cooking very much nyonya.  The only thing which we were disappointed was their otak otak...maybe it is a different type of otak otak unlike our local one which melts in the mouth. Theirs has a harder texture . Other than that we were pleased with the other dishes which we ordered. Oh by the way, Curry Times must be popular as we had to queue for our seats. Below are the dishes we ordered and my son was happy with the curry he ordered for himself. I can't actually recall the name of the curry dishes but it was good :)

curry chicken served in enamel bowl

chicken in turmeric...this is commendable

laksa fried mee...this is special and taste good

their special otak otak.....not my kind of otak,
was a bit disappointed with it though

overall the curry dishes are the time of taking this photo,  we were 
still waiting for the otak otak :)

dessert was Singapore version of cendol,
very quite like our Malaysian version

my son could not wait to eat..hehehe
great food and great fellowship 

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