Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Mother's Day Dinner Treat @ Restoran Wong Sheng

Kind of late to post this up ....Mother's Day had passed and Dad's Day is just around the corner :) Supposed to post this up last week but I have been busy with work and with the muscle pain, not much blogging was done actually.  Just the same, I am glad that I feel up to it to post this Mother's Day dinner treat from my friends Ron and Kitty.  I was taken to this open air restaurant in Desa Rishah that serves good chinese dishes.  My first time there and the food was delicious.....reasonable pricing and truly, the food is yummy good.   Have a sneak peek on what we had on that special night :)  And thank you Ron and Kitty for the good dinner and fellowship.   I think I will soon be a barrel with such good food.    If you have not been to this place, I suggest you try this out.    Read on to drool on the food we had for the night :)

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Mother's Day Lunch Treat @ Oz

WB treated me to lunch at Oz  to celebrate my DAY ! :)  No home cooking coz he needed a rest and he knows I like the food here so I can order what I like LOL!  This place has no air con but I like the deco and the food.   It offers a unique dining experience. Specialise in Aussie Outback style roast chicken blended with bacon, herbs, spices and fruits with a flair of fusion cuisine influenced by British/Chinese/Indian and Peranakan style.  This is my second time dining here :)  My first visit was with Claire my buddy. 

Engineering ? I Know Not :P

When it comes to engineering, I am at a lost coz I don't major in this subject. When my boss wanted to send me for a  talk on some engineering products  , I was flabbergasted.  I went in to his office and tried to make him change his mind. After explaining to him and pleaded with him to please send the mechanical engineer instead of me :)  Lucky for me, he sees my logic and took my name off from the list.  But my other colleagues could not worm their way out and have to attend the Hydraulic Power Units seminar.  Frankly speaking, this seminar should be attended by only the mechanical staff and engineers :)  I am so happy, I managed to convince my boss that it will benefit the engineering people more.

Monday, May 13, 2013

Orange Glazed Red Snapper Fillet With Crispy Ginger Shreds Topping

This is another simple dish for prepared by WB for our dinner.  I taught him a few tricks in cooking and now he wants to take over my domain - my kitchen...ok ok I surrender my kitchen to him for another few months after which hopefully I can reclaim back my territory.  He guess he loves putting on the apron now !  This is how he prepared the fish for dinner :)   As I watched him in the kitchen, I realized that he can cook better than me ! I think I shall hand over my role in the kitchen to him permanently  LOL!  This dish is prepared without my supervision.  I was just the observer and watched in silent...a word from the observer and the temporary chef will go on strike :)   Read on for WB's recipe

Are You A DIY Person?

It is good to be a DIY person if you are staying at the States .  Labor charges are pricey if you asked a plumber to come repair your piping or a car mechanic to service your car.  Having a basic skill in simple repair works will have save a hole in your wallet.  A friend of mine in the States is such a good DIY person that he can repair things without having to hire workers to do the repair in the house. Recently, he got himself a car lift just to service and repair his own car. None of us would have thought he is interested to  buy car lifts for himself and his brother.  Both are great DIY person :)

Sunday, May 12, 2013

Crispy Fried Wanton


" What's for dinner? "  this is the most POPULAR question Wild Boar will shoot at me the moment I stepped into the car :)  And when I told him " oh , either cook something simple or if you are lazy to do the cleaning up, eat out is not a problem " .  So, if he is lazy to help me in the kitchen, we would eat out . If I have to cook, then something simple like this would be great.  Crispy Fried Wanton !  There are many versions of fried wanton but I still like my mom's version :)  You can fold them in any fashion you like.   Wild Boar is happy with fried wanton and as long as it is not oily , he loves it to bits.  And he doesnt mind helping in the preparation of this dish plus the WASHING UP  lol !  Read on to see how nicely he managed to wrap the wanton :)  He is becoming very domesicated of late.... hahaha

Homemade Kimchi - Revisited V

I have made Kimchi many many times and this time, I borrowed Wild Boar's hands in making this addictive condiment.  The last batch which was done some weeks ago was used up and I needed to replenish this addictive condiment.  I guided him on how to make these and he did it !  More kimchi dishes coming in the next few weeks.  I can sell kimchi when I retired.  May God bless me with good health and more kimchi :)  And I want to thank God for giving me a good partner in life.  You don't know how good a partner you have until you needed his hands LOL!  And Wild Boar is a good student I would say ! No praise means no borrowing of his hands :p

For the kimchi recipe
click here

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Saturday, May 11, 2013

Fried Tamarind Shrimps - Assam Heh

Fried Shrimps in Tamarind Sauce or Assam Heh is truly a unique dish from the Peranakan or Nyonya cuisine in Malaysia. The Peranakans or Nyonyas are the descendents of the early Chinese migrants to Malaysia who settled in the country and married the local Malays. The Nyonyas have a penchant for hot and spicy food and they use a diverse mix of ingredients to create recipes which are unique to them and one of the diverse ingredient is the tamarind.  A sweet and sour fruit that is widely used in Indian and Middle Eastern cooking.  This dish is Wild Boar's favorite dish.  I am still having muscle ache, thus for the past few weeks and the coming days, Wild Boar will be helping out in the cooking , with my supervision of course LOL!   Read on to see how his cooking turned out :p

Stir Fry Long Beans With Dried Shrimps Sambal

This is another simple stir fry that Wild Boar can help me to whip up in minutes.  I still have a bottle of dried shrimps sambal in the fridge.  I taught him a short cut way on how to cook this dish that will surely whet his appetite  :)   This simple stir fry long beans with my bottle of dried shrimp sambal was good.  Taste better than just stir fry with garlic and salt.  Love it and hubby is doing well in the kitchen.  I am taking a short break ...not to overwork my arm muscles and tendon.  Frustration not being able to cook like I used to do.  Thank you Wild Boar for being there for me...


4 tbsp of dried shrimps sambal
200 gm longbeans - cut into 1" length
1 tbsp of canola oil
2 tbsp of water

heat up wok, add in canola oil and when oil is hot, throw in the cut long beans and stir fry till
long beans has turn darker green, add in 2-3 tbsp of water and continue to cook till the long beans are cook through. Add in the dried shrimps sambal and stir fry till  the sambal coats the long beans.  Dish up and
serve with piping hot rice.

Enjoy !

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Sunday, May 5, 2013

Authentic Yemeni & Arabian Cuisine @ Restaurant Hadramout Paradise

The office had a farewell lunch last Wednesday for one of our Architects who is on transfer to KL head office.  A colleague who organized this lunch suggested having authentic Yemeni and Arabian cuisine .   Of course everyone agreed , thus the farewell lunch was held at Restaurant Hadramout Paradise, a nice cosy little restaurant , facing the Riverfront Hotel serving authentic Yemeni and Arabian cuisine.  The restaurant is run by Yemenis....even their waiters are from Yemen :)  All of them are handsome :)  But of course it is the food that attracted us !  Read on to see what we had for the farewell lunch :)

Preserved Radish Omelette

Been either eating out or cooking simple dishes the past few weeks.  Sad to mention here that the muscle pain is back.   Now I am not sure whether I really sprained my muscle and tendon or it is menopausal symptom of muscle and joint pain.  The steroid jab has worn off and now the pain is back.  Haih, all this  body ache and muscle tendon pain has robbed me of the passion to cook :(   I hate the process of aging :(   I am being forced to cook simple and this is one classic salted radish omelette that I whipped up for WB and myself .  Simple but delicious.   I added in spring onion and some cut lantern chillies.   The chillies did wonders to this simple dish.    This simple radish omelette goes well with porridge and rice.

Preserved Radish Omelette


1/2 a  packet preserved radish /chye poh
2 eggs - beaten
2 tbsp of chopped spring onions
1 tsp of chopped chillies
1 tsp of chopped garlic
1 tsp of sesame oil
1 tsp of canola oil


Saute chopped garlic with sesame oil and canola oil in a non stick pan till fragrant.  Add in the preserved radish and stir fry till fragrant.  Add in the chopped spring onions and chillies to the beaten egg mixture and pour over the radish.  When the edges are crispy and the omelette is set, flip over and cook till the omelette is set.  Before dishing up, use the frying ladle to cut the omelette into smaller pieces .  Serve with rice or porridge.

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