
Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Ayam Percik Kelantan

I have a whole chicken in the fridge and tired of eating roasted chicken, I decided to try out my hands at making Ayam Percik Kelantan version for MFF.   To be frank, I am not good at cooking local Malaysian dishes :p   I told WB that I will try something different  this time with the chicken and he was a bit doubtful that I could whip out ayam percik for him.  He likes those sold at  'Ayamas ' though . I told him mine version would be better than Ayamas  LOL!    I cheated a bit here, instead of grilling over glowing charcoal , I grilled them in the oven :p   The weather was scorching hot and WB doesn't want to start the charcoal fire for me.  He said the neighbor will be jumping mad with the smoke !   But just the same, it tasted great despite being grilled in the oven .  It is quite easy to make this.  The recipe is taken from Betty Yew's Rasa Malaysia  

Ayam Percik Kelantan  -  Betty Yew's Rasa Malaysia

1.5 kg chicken cut into 4 large pieces

1.5 cm (1 inch ) ginger
4 cloves garlic

1 tsp salt
3 cups coconut milk
1 heaped tbsp rice flour

8 dried chillies, soaked
8 shallots
1/2" ginger
1" square dried shrimp paste ( belacan)

Mixed and strained
1 tbsp tamarind paste
4 tbsp water

1 tsp salt
1 tsp sugar


Marinate chicken with ground ginger and garlic and salt and leave for 1 hour.

Mix coconut milk with rice flour, ground ingredients and tamarind juice and bring to a slow boil.  Add salt and sugar and keep stirring over low heat for 10 mins till thickened.

Dip chicken in thick coconut gravy and place over glowing charcoal grill, basting chicken frequently with more coconut milk for approximately 15 mins or until both sides are evenly browned and chicken is cooked.

*              *             *


  1. Elin, I love ayam percik and your version looks very delicious, hmmm... tempting to try it out lol.

    1. Jess...this is one you should not missed out. It is finger licking good...provided you dont think of the calories :p

  2. Thank you Elin for your support of the MFF Kelantan event. I like this version better as it has chili in it. I like my food on the spicy side.

    1. Gertrude, you are welcome :) yea ,this version has a spicy touch to it. Love this !

  3. Yummy, yummy! I want to try this also, used to buy this from Ramadan market.

  4. looks very good leh..i'm sure this is very far better than ayamas...:D
