
Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Roast Pork Ribs - Valentine's Dinner

I am sure my Piggies would like to know what I have cooked for Wild Boar on Valentine's Day . Well....going out to eat would be fine for me but at our age ( heehee ..though I think I am always 25 ;p ) we don't not want rush through our dinner at the restaurant and make way for the younger couples waiting to be seated. Thus, I told WB that I will prepare our own V's Day dinner ..... I bought 2  ribs from my pork butcher and told him not to cut into pieces . I told him I want to roast it whole....he gave me a funny look and I guess I knew yesterday why he gave me the weird look the other day.   When I chopped the ribs into two , all the herbs coating dropped off the ribs..... so I have to scoop it up back and on the roasted ribs  so as not to waste those flavorful herbs  ( of course WB was not looking when I did that :p  )  Anyway it was one delicious, tender and juicy piece of roast ribs ...FINGER LICKING good !  

I made a jelly fish salad with japanese sesame salad dressing and sauteed some fresh brown and white button mushrooms as sides. I will share with you the salad in my next post :)  This is a simple roast ....the marinating can be done a day before , which I did , and the roasting time was a bit longer than normal roast.  I roasted it for 1hr 15 minutes ...just to make sure the thick part of the ribs was cooked through.  Anyway WB prefers roast meat to be  lightly burnt on top for a nicer flavor.  

After years of being married to Wild Boar and not get it right, would be a failure as a good wife :p  LOL!  Anyway, Eve was made out of one of Adam's ribs , so this dish will be a subtle reminder that women are made to be a companion for the man and  two hearts to beat as one and the man is to protect and love the woman as he loves himself !  So far so good, WB has done just and protects and gives in to all my wiles and tantrums for he is to love me as he loves himself ......keeek keekkeek    A wonderful Valentine's dinner we had.  A toast to many more to come.  We want to grow old gracefully together :)))))  Ok , I have digress a bit and now back to this roast pork ribs..........................................

I marinated this piece of  pork ribs with spicy teriyaki sauce
 black pepper and salt a day before.  
Wrap in cling wrap and chuck into the fridge and take
out 2 hours before roasting it

grease the grill pan and wrap aluminium foil 
on the underside to collect the oil dripping while roasting
( I bought this grill pan from 
the 100 yen shop - opp Parkson Grand Ipoh )
Place the marinated ribs on the grill pan

rub djion mustard all over the top surface and coat 
the surface with  the butter, italian parsley
and garlic mixture over the mustard coating. 
Put into oven and roast the ribs for 1 hour 15 mins 
till the meat is cooked through.................
if the top turns a bit burnt . you can cover the ribs 
with aluminium foil and continues
roasting till the meat part is cook through.  

while it was roasting in the oven
WB had to keep reminding me this " make sure the meat is
cooked through or it will be wasted effort"

seriously if you ask was the taste ???
It was AWESOME...better than eating out :P
we can take our time to slowly  savor the
deliciousness of this roast ribs :))

besides that piece of finger-licking goodness
we both love the jelly fish salad with the japanese
sesame salad dressing :) and the much loved
sauteed fresh mushrooms slices :))

To Wild Boar....hope you had the most wonderful Valentine's Dinner
that I had taken the trouble to prepare for you :p

To Piggy Joanna....I know you were cooped up in the lab and had
a tiring day with your experiment on this V;s Day
...will make up to you when you
come back for a short break in March

To Piggy Joshua ...I am sure you had a great time with
Elaine.....dinner and movies * wink  and I heard flowers too !!!
of course you did not not tell me that but WB told me,
 trust him to keep it a secret for you  !!!

and to my friends and readers...hope you all enjoyed your Valentine's Dinner eating out
with your loved ones too !

^ ______________*

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  1. He was busy gawking at you to realise you dropped the herbs, LOL.

    Scrumptious meal! I found rib racks in Tesco's Pork section, in the freezer. Cheaper than fresh pork of which I will usually buy back and freeze too.

  2. Looks amazing! We stayed in yesterday too and I cooked crabs for the WB which he loves.

  3. Happy Valentine to you and your hubby! chang toi kwok!!

  4. Oh my ! I'm holding you on to that promise ! :) Dated the lab for 12 hours, so could I get HUGE slurpilicious rewards ? :p

  5. Wendy....hahaha maybe he saw what I did but being kind, let it pass :)) oh Tesco has ribs racks ??? I must buy from there then ...thanks for the info :p That piece of ribs I paid RM22 for it ...fresh ones la :)

    Ann.....ohhhh I love crabs too but my WB doesnt like crabs unless I de-shell them for him which I am not going to do that :p He loves pork ribs more but he is giving me a Japanese cuisine soon for cooking this dish for him LOL! lucky me !!

    Claire....thanks :)))

    JOanna.... ' de rien ' I need to brush up on my french too :)

  6. wow wow! elin, you would hv regretted if you had dinner outside, none of the restaurants here can beat this!

  7. Happy Valentine Day Elin

    am drooling from looking at the pics alone

  8. Lena....blushing now :p nola just a simple meal that WB enjoys most. he is a meat eater and I dont want to eat outside if possible. I enjoy cooking and trying out new stuff :) Cook and eat while I still can LOL!

    Kathy...same to you and I hope you had a wonderful one with hubby and Joshua :)))

  9. Mmmm, now that's one fabulous looking set of ribs! The marinade sounds amazing :)

  10. Oh man! That looks like a delicious set of ribs! The herb crust sounds incredible! Yumm!

  11. Yummychunklet....yea it is a great marinade :)

    Kiri W...oh yesss you must try it out. It is finger licking good :)

    Lacy....yeap that herbs crust makes the roasted ribs more flavorful :) You must try it out to know how good it is :)))

  12. oh wow, my ultimate to bacon. cant stop salivating....

  13. Hi Elin, I have an award that I would like to pass on to you, do drop by my blog to pick it up :)
