
Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Kimchi Jjigae With Homemade Kimchi

Two weeks ago I made some Kimchi , and boy , it was so good that I am glad to tell you that  'practice makes perfect ' really works for me.....this is the fourth time I have made kimchi and this time it tasted better than the previous home people bestowed this title on me  ' Kimchi  Queen' and ' Wasabi Queen ' and I kinda like the title given...  LOL!   I eat them stand alone as a condiment or cook them in soup or stew :))) it tickles my senses just thinking of it !  Yea...salivating what else!  Anyway, not many people like kimchi but for Piggy Jo and myself , we both love it !  Josh is beginning to like it since he has been eating at Korean restaurant recently but for Jo and myself, we simply live with it :p

I made a kimchi stew with my own homemade kimchi - Kimchi Jjigae with lots of enoki and cauliflowers and   without thinking , I added a piece of salmon steak , to make it a more complete meal.  I have been skipping rice for dinner for the past one month and I am happy that I have lost 1 kg thus far * wink  under doctor's advice.  My last medical check-up showed that I have gained 4 kg and he advised that I should reduced another 4 kg to maintain my average weight of 59kg...gosh, that means I have to cook more veggie dishes and lesser meat and more exercises.  Oooops.....sorry for the digress, now back to the Kimchi stew . 

I made a load of kimchi and leave it in the fridge to ferment for 7 days, after which I took them out and cut them into smaller pieces of three-quarter inch length and keep them in air tight container.  This will last me a month at least.  Took out 2 ladleful of kimchi mixed with a cup of chicken broth to cook this kimchi stew  what the Korean called Kimchi Jjigae.  Added in some cauliflower and enoki mushroom ( of course you can add in another fresh mushrooms of your choice ) You can add in some beef slices or pork belly slices to the kimchi stew but since I am cutting down on meat, I added in a piece of salmon fillet to make it a balanced meal  :)   The most satisfying meal for myself ....WB just looked and not adventurous to try the kimchi. He had porridge but not willing to try my homemade kimchi -  afraid that he will land in the hospital after consuming my homemade kimchi !  Ouch ! a dent to my pride....nay ,just kidding !

I love this part of the kimchi making....harvesting time :p
and mentally calculating how long this kimchi can last me
before I make another load of it lol!

after cutting them into smaller pieces, I stored them in the fridge
it can lasts me a month and half before I make another load :)

I just place the salmon on top of the cooked Kimchi Jjigae and cover
the claypot with the lid and leave it to cook under its own steam,
I prefer my salmon to be just cooked .

this is a healthy meal and I can eat this everyday if
salmon is not that pricey...unfortunately though I love to have
salmon is just a wishful thinking on my part
but I do try to have them once a week :p

*         *           *


  1. My god! Your kimchi jjigae looks very good! I'm tempted to make one right now!

  2. I love kim chi too. Btw, you just gave me an idea on what to do with a piece of salmon I bought today.

  3. Drooling...I love kimchi jjigae. I actually have a post in draft but not published because the pictures di not turn out right. I will need to make it again soon. All the best with the weight loss :)

  4. gosh..that looks spicy, my dear! my mouth makes zzzz sound now..

  5. your kimchi looks better than those i get from korean restaurant! :D thanks for sharing! ps, im on diet too

    Latest: Sinful Indulgence

  6. slurp! slurp!! need i say more??

  7. I've been wanting to make homemade kimchi for awhile. This looks great! And, thanks for passing on the award to me earlier!

  8. Your kimchi looks so good, it makes me want to try kimchi again. Nice to hear about your trials. I really like your clay pot!

  9. Mmmmm looks delicious!
    I love kimchi, and I made it before, I really need to do it again. Wonderful post!

  10. I want to make my own kimchi so very much but haven't been to the city for shopping often lately. Have to get those Korean red chili paste.
    Your soup looks amazing.

  11. KImchi never goes bad...well, not literally never but pretty close. It can ferment for 1-2 years and still be perfectly edible. :)

  12. I just made a batch of kimchi too! Can't wait to try out your kimchi jjigae recipe. :-)
