
Friday, August 26, 2011

Cafe Salle Pleyel Hamburger - French Fridays With Dorie

Time really flies..and it is French Fridays With Dorie again, my favorite day....another french dinner for us !  Today's schedule recipe is Cafe Salle Pleyel Hamburger specially created by Dorie's friend Helene Samuel and her Chef Sonia Ezgulian.  A hamburger an American would be happy to sit down to and any French gourmet would be happy to claim for his country.  After making this hamburger and having tasted it , I can understand why this hamburger is so popular in Paris.....Helene's quoted this " It has the taste of the forbidden, the illicit - the subversive even "  Why is it called Cafe Salle Pleyel Hamburger ? Well.....because this Cafe Salle Pleyel is created by Helene Samuel in the Salle Pleyel concert hall and she decide to put this hamburger on their menu ! Thus this hamburger is named after her cafe !  :)  Now I do not need to fly off to Paris to taste this. We can have it at home now ! :p

It's got the sesame seed bun which I made myself ( homemade wholemeal bun ) and dill pickles and the wonderful thing is that  it's also got the french seasoning blend and the red onion marmalade and American cheese, some shards of parmesan ( I used mozzarella ) which is perfect for the beef.

For the beef burgers...I used fresh dill, basils , sun dried tomatoes and dill pickles instead of capers, cornichons, tarragon and parsley.  Reason being , I do not have them when I made the burgers.  It turned out aromatic and tasted delicious too.  I added cajun to the minced beef for extra flavor and it blends well with the beef..

The red onion marmalade has a wonderful taste and it was my first time eating a hamburger with red onion marmalade as a spread.  The taste is awesome !  I have never eaten such a wonderful hamburger before and it was worth my time preparing it. WB and myself sat down and truly enjoyed every bite of  this delicious and flavorful french hamburger .

Homemade wholemeal buns.....I love the texture of this bun....

Have a great weekend !

*          *          *


  1. Elin - these burgers look wonderful. And I am drooling over those rolls.

  2. It looks like mozzarella works beautifully! I'm regretting that I didn't take the time to make my own hamburger buns--yours look so delicious.

  3. This looks magnificent! LOve the looks of those rolls! So fresh!

  4. Darn...too bad we don't have an excuse to visit this Paris cafe. Weren't these wonderful??? And with a homemade bun??? Wow!

  5. Beautiful burgers! But, I think I would like to fly off to Paris and try one,lol!

  6. Love the ribbons of cheese on top of your burgers. They look delicious!

  7. After tasting one of your lovely burgers, I think I'd be disappointed by the one in Paris! Love the cheese and herbs you used, especially the fresh dill, yumm. And yes, homemade buns are the best, aren't they?

  8. Wow looks great, now I want to make it again!!

  9. Elin - Gorgeous! Everything about that burger is delectable. And the rolls....who needs Paris when you have your kitchen!

  10. I like your substitutions and I love the amount of cheese and pickles you put on your burgers! Your homemade buns look pretty wonderful too.

  11. I love your homemade buns - and the piled up cheese! Everything looks picture perfect!

  12. Are those some pickled stuff? No, thanks. At McD's, I always take out and throw away.

  13. Great idea to bake the buns in stretched out foil containers to keep them round! Love the pile of melted mozzarella on yours!

  14. Where did the burger go to? WB stomach or yours? :)

  15. Your burgers look great, especially those homemade rolls. I'm very impressed.

  16. eating french every friday? i shall call u up on friday next time..hahaha!

  17. I really love them buns! Oh my! Great burger too. What a great assignment!

  18. I keep seeing Fridays With Dorie around the blog world, that's so cool!

    Really like your herb combination & HOMEMADE!

  19. Everything looks wonderful, including the buns.
    Tricia and I will be in Paris in two weeks and I want to check out this restaurant. Lovely photos.

  20. You Doristas that made your own buns, it's gilding the lily! Looks great!

  21. Those whole wheat buns look fantastic. Great job, Elin! I will definitely revisit this recipe soon.

  22. The burgers look great and I like the flavours you added to the mix. I also think your homemade buns are perfect!

  23. Gee....super love those pickled gerkins! The burger looks really juicy delish. I can wallop at least two of them. haha.... Ya, a big eater like Claire.
    Enjoy your evening.

  24. that melting cheese on the burger has me drooling! Great ideas about alternative seasonings - we love using cajun spice on meat!
