
Monday, August 29, 2011

Pasta With Sun-Dried Tomato And Salmon-In-A-Jar

Pasta every meal ??? Sure, why not...I love this chewy pasta made from duran flour which is much healthier than rice :)  I love pasta  cooked in any form...the simplest would do...meaning , less washing would be great!  A tasty and delicious one dish meal of pasta is much welcomed.   I have prepared a second batch of salmon-in-a-jar and I am happy that I can have them in my pasta and sandwiches...gosh I have to really thank Dorie Greenspan for this wonderful salmon-in-jar recipe. Salmon-in-a-jar is truly a luxury item for us coz salmon costs about RM49 per kilo and a 3/4 inch thick steak piece will cost about RM22 !  

Friday, August 26, 2011

Cafe Salle Pleyel Hamburger - French Fridays With Dorie

Time really flies..and it is French Fridays With Dorie again, my favorite day....another french dinner for us !  Today's schedule recipe is Cafe Salle Pleyel Hamburger specially created by Dorie's friend Helene Samuel and her Chef Sonia Ezgulian.  A hamburger an American would be happy to sit down to and any French gourmet would be happy to claim for his country.  After making this hamburger and having tasted it , I can understand why this hamburger is so popular in Paris.....Helene's quoted this " It has the taste of the forbidden, the illicit - the subversive even "  Why is it called Cafe Salle Pleyel Hamburger ? Well.....because this Cafe Salle Pleyel is created by Helene Samuel in the Salle Pleyel concert hall and she decide to put this hamburger on their menu ! Thus this hamburger is named after her cafe !  :)  Now I do not need to fly off to Paris to taste this. We can have it at home now ! :p

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Stir Fry Lala Clams Homecooked Style

Who doesn't like lala clams ?  I am sure you do, unless you have some allergies, this surely would be your favorite dish !  My family loves this and whenever there is a season for these sweet and delicious clams, we will buy it regardless of the price.  Now the price for these lala clams ( the largest ) costs RM16-18 per kilogramme. They are usually reserved for restaurants and the lady at the central market will give me a kilo from the batch they send to restaurants ( after which her husband will scold her :p  )....I will pester her till she relented...hahaha I am that adamant ! :p and I usually do that when the Piggies are home, ( what to do, give the best to your kids syndrome LOL! ) Normally for WB and myself,  I will just take whatever is left on the counter !

Friday, August 19, 2011

Eggplant Caviar - French Fridays With Dorie

When I checked in to FFWD website for this Friday's recipe, I thought I was going to give this a miss ( thank God I did not ) .. for caviar is such an expensive item but to my delight after checking through the book for the recipe, to my relief , it is just a fancy name given to this eggplant dip . It is actually a humble dish ....a  half dip and half spread .  A tasty and flavorful dip that is to spread on wedges of toasted bread or pita or crackers.  I was in the mood to make some sopes -  mexican corn patties that can be topped with any savory fillings and I thought this eggplant caviar would be ideal for the sopes :)

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Pan Fried Shrimps With Sizzled Soy Sauce

Yesterday was a public holiday , WB and myself  decided to go to the nearest wet market that is the Kg Simee wet market and we had a wonderful time there.  Can you imagine me marketing there where the prices of food stuff are so much cheaper compared to the one I usually go ? Beside veggies and fruits we came home with a kilo of large shrimps...and we paid  only RM40 for them !!! WB said , we should not wait until  Chinese New Year to eat this large shrimps and pay a fortune for them.  They were fresh and large too...and I can't wait to cook some for dinner :)

Friday, August 12, 2011

Salmon In A Jar - French Fridays With Dorie

Yay! its FFWD again !  I am most excited by today's recipe...Salmon In A Jar...why?  Coz salmon is my favorite fish and what more this preparation is so different from the rest. I have never tried  pickled cured salmon slices in spices and herbs infused olive oil before....that is why today's recipe is most interesting.  Dorie is brilliant and she has once again come up with such a delicious appetizer for us :)  Thumbs up...the salmon was well flavored with the spices and herbs.

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Homemade Kimchi III - Now A Kimchi Pro :P

At the request of Piggy Jo,  I made another batch of kimchi for her....this time a bigger load....I meant one  Pyrex mixing bowl - the biggest size  :)   and I felt like a pro  kimchi  maker....I think when I retire in a few years time, I want to make Kimchi and sell... '.Elinluv's Kimchi ' does that sound.....good prospect ???  LOL!  She loves kimchi like has many uses...not just as appetizer but so many dishes that we can cook up with.  Homemade ones taste better and this recipe is near authentic.  I love making them ! Is this a statement ?  :p  

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Pasta With Shrimps And Japanese Nori Seaweed Flakes

If given a choice , I would prefer eating pasta everyday to rice :)  You can simply whip up one in minutes and it will still turn out delicious !  Simple would be great especially with the slow roasted tomatoes ( I have finished all so no chance to cook them in pasta ) so I took whatever is available in the fridge and make them into stir fried pasta with shrimps and some leftover green beans and grape tomatoes.  The star of this pasta is the nori seaweed flakes that I sprinkled generously on the pasta .  One word YUMMY !

Friday, August 5, 2011

Slow-Roasted Tomatoes - French Fridays With Dorie

It's Friday and it's FFWD again :)  Today's schedule recipe is slow-roasted tomatoes or Tomates Confites.  You can think of these more as a condiment than a side dish .  You can topped it with oil and packed in a jar , they can keep for a few weeks in the refrigerator. The long and slow roasting took 3 hours !!! And I was glad I did it !!!  Even Piggy Joshua , who came back for the weekend, gave a shout out that it was good :)

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Stir Fry Asparagus Beans With Dried Shrimps

Wild Boar and I have been away to a church retreat  in Cameron Highlands over the weekend and came back happy :)))  A short break but it was rejuvenating enough for us though we wanted more days :p    Back to this dish, I bought some of these asparagus beans back from the trip to Cameron Highlands.