
Saturday, January 22, 2011

It Finally Arrived !!!! The Bread Baker's Apprentice

This is my dream book - The Bread Baker's Apprentice by Peter Reinhart.  I heard so much about him from bloggers all over the world and I truly would like to own at least one of his books .  I have been eyeing  it for sometime and finally I have saved enough for this book....hahaha and it finally arrived ...just one day later than the other two books. Now I have three of my most wanted books and tell me if I am not HAPPY !  :))))

I will be trying out bread recipes from  the book after CNY  and now I am pinching myself hard so that I know I am not dreaming :p

love the contents inside the book and the
step by step pictures instruction and 
I would say this is a good book

Finally, I got all my most wished for books :))))
I still have more on my wish list :p  

Have a great weekend !

*         *         *


  1. My missus also has a lot of these recipe books...full-stop. Sigh!!!

  2. Sure feels great to get the books that you have always wanted. right :D

  3. I know you'll spend some wonderful time in the kitchen with this book. Knead away :-). Have a great day. Blessings...Mary

  4. Whoa, I'm so envy! You must show us the bread you working on after The CNY! Have a nice evening.
    Cheers, Kristy

  5. Haha, I can feel how happy you are! :)

  6. no calls from popular today?? i think almost a month , right? these books from book depository arrived even earlier than that. looking forward to your bread posts!

  7. Woahh..can't wait for all the yummy recipes elin. =)

  8. Elin, I'm a fan of Reinhart too! BUT after having to own both "The Bread Baker's Apprentice" and "Artisan Breads Every Day," I actually find myself reading the latter more! I'd take it to work to read during lunch break. I've yet to try anything out of the first, but I've tried three recipes from the latter. Perhaps, you can consider getting the latter too. LOL! I'm sure you can pay for that lar ...

  9. Arthur.....oooooo why the sigh ! You take over the apron and cook from her recipe book :)

    Kathy...yea, I am happy :)

    Mary...hahaha yea..I will be kneading away after Chinese New Year. You too have a great day :) God Bless!

    Kristy...sure. You too have a nice day :) All the baking and cooking...huffing and puffing away :p

    Little Inbox... yea.. I am !

    Lena...they told me two months for the book to arrive...sigh!!! patience...I am just starting to read but I will be baking bread again...I am crazy over kneading now :p

    Pei-Lin...yessss I will be getting that book next . I heard so much about it and yu have just confirmed that I should get that !!! hahaha thanks for the light review on it :)

  10. I am a fan of Peter.. his book is fantastic and my bread all came out ... delicious... BBA is my bread bible :D

  11. Lisa...:) it is mine too. I enjoyed his writing on bread and he is good !

    Swee San...yes good books...will be ordering thru you again for his next bread book..I am crazy over his books :p so remember when I come over to KL remember to treat me to a slice of your cake :)))
