
Friday, February 12, 2010

Lunch Celebration @ Delight Seafood Restaurant :)

tossing the ingredients up high signify the blending of 
the elements of auspicious blessings as stated in the chinese folklore. 

A toast to a better year of
good health, wealth and happiness....

We love this time of the year which is a week before the end of the chinese calendar , whereby we organized and arranged for all the chinese staffs to have a celebration lunch together to mark the completion of yet another productive year. Even the retired one was invited to join this celebration lunch :)) We have simple dishes and May Tan contributed a bottle of red wine as table gift . 
We had the lunch at Delight Seafood Restaurant and our engineer lady boss ordered these dishes for us. The ' Yee Sang ' or  'Loe Hei' is a must have dish for the chinese during this period of time till the end of the 15th day of the chinese new year. So, of course we will not miss out  this dish whereby all of us will jointly  toss the ingredients up high  signifying the blending of the elements of auspicious blessings as stated in the chinese folklore.

everyone loves this shredded greens and crispies with sweet sauce
 and tangy flavor to kick start the lunch....... :))

steamed free range chicken with side veggies...yumm yummm

braised  tofu with fresh mushrooms and sweet peas...

hot and spicy steamed fish....I love this dish :)

special preparation of ' kailan '
the leaves are crispyfried and the stems are blanched tender

dessert...water melon with shave ice to keep them right?
sweet and juicy rejuvenating  mmm

'wo paeng '... a crispy pancake with lotus paste sandwiched between
the thin crispy pancake...yummy

delicious red bean tong sui/soup  with peanut filling glutinuous rice balls
to end the wonderful satisfying even though the dishes were simple.

*      *      * 


  1. Simply Sumptious!! when shall we do that again?? we must!

  2. Hi Claire...definitely !:))

    Hi Anncoo... Same to you too! Gong Xi Fa Cai..may the new year brings you health, wealth and happiness ! and more cooking and baking :)

    Hi Cath J...Gong Xi Fa Cai to you too :))

  3. WOW!!! All look so yummy!!

    Here's to wish the Piggy Clan a Happy Lunar New Year! May the Tiger bring you an abundance of wealth and luck this year!!

  4. Elin, 祝愿你和你的家人在虎年:新年快乐!健康平安!

  5. Hi Pei Lin...thanks and same to you too :) Have a great time with your family. Looking forward to meet you :)

    Hi pigpigscorner....Happy Lunar New year to you and your loved ones :))

    Hi Angie....thanks and same to you too :)

  6. Elin, wishing you and your family A Happy and Prosperous New Year. May this new year brings you lots of happiness, health and wealth! See you in KL soon.

  7. Gert :) Same to you & family too :) I can't wait to meet up with you :))
