
Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Stir Fry French Beans With Shimeiji

I love veggies and I love all kinds of edible spora, so you can imagine when I stir fry two of my favourites together what would be the reaction from yours truly….imaginable ….happily waiting for dinner to be served! I stir fry french beans and shimeiji with dried shrimps….oohhh the aroma of the fried dried shrimps with garlic and bird’s eye chillies is enough to accelerate the salivary glands into action. This is so simple a dish and yet so deliciously satisfying for the gastro.
Both have crunchy texture and I love it! Chomp chomp chompy....and yum yum yummy...hahaha so happy that at times yours truly can behave like a child or in her second childhood

simple dish yet delicious Mmmm.....

the dried shrimps, garlic and chillies
gave the whole dish the oommph..oo-la-la

french beans and shimeiji are my favorites
so put them together makes me happy...real happy :))))

I will fry this again for sure....

Stir Fry French Beans With Shimeiji

Ingredients :

200 gms of French beans – cut into 1.5 inch length
200 gms of Shimeiji mushrooms
50 gms of dried shrimps – soaked in hot water for 5 mins- crushed
4 pips of garlic- chopped coarsely
3 bird’s eye chillies
sea salt to taste
2 tbsp of olive oil
1 tsp of corn flour
2 tbsp of water + 1 tsp of chinese cooking wine

Heat up the olive oil in a non-stick wok, sauté the dried shrimps , garlic and chillies till fragrant. Add in the french beans and shimeiji and stir fry till cooked, add in thickening and sea salt to taste. Dish up and serve with hot rice.

Have a delicious day :)

Quote of the day

" Life is too short to stuff a mushroom "
~ Shirley Conran ~



  1. So nice have this with a bowl of rice. Nice pic.

  2. Ok, tomorrow will go buy a packet of shimeiji.. my son has yet to try the buttered ones too.. thanks for another new idea, fren..

  3. Very colorful and delicious. Green beans never looked this good. Anncoo is right. Great with a bowl of rice. I guess all Asian would say that. :)

  4. Do you buy most ingredients from Jusco?? If yes, then make it easier for me. Definitely Iwant to try this dish + the baked chicken.

  5. Hi Anncoo, you can eat this dish taste yummy :)

    Hi Claire, go get this green and spora from Jusco and cook this dish for your Andy and Fernie :))

    Hi Divina, haha yup all asian can't go without rice and this is perfect with rice :))

    Hi Little Lamb,yup most of the fresh herbs and fresh mushrooms and slamon I get them from Jusco. Jusco has fresh salmon which I love buying from. Slightly pricey but fresh!

  6. Hi The Little Teochew, haha yup a veggie with a kick...seriously it is good :)

  7. And I love the way you cook the veggies! Simple, quick yet flavourful!

  8. Nice dish to go with rice, 'cheng tim' and healthy.

  9. Hi Cheah, yup try this out. I can have this all to my myself

  10. This looks fantastic! I would be in heaven, too, if I was eating this dish.

  11. I love to eat stir fried fresh mushroom. So sweet & tasty especially eech/honshimeji mushroom. Really crunchy!!!

  12. Hi CC, I went up and came down :))

    Hi Kristy,we have same taste :p yup these little shimeiji is so crunchy and favourite! :))

  13. Those Shimeiji mushrooms are so darn cute. Sound delish with fresh green beans.

  14. Hi Liz, yesss it taste good...hs crunchy and chewy texture..goes well with french beans :)
