
Saturday, November 21, 2009

Ramen Cold Dish

Yesterday I went to one Organic Shop and I had a wonderful insight into some organic stuffs and their goodness. I came home with 2 kilos of 9 grains and some organic ramen mee. So as usual knowing me, I will not just let those organic stuff alone till I have tried them out ! I took out whatever I have left in the fridge and make a delish Ramen Cold Dish. Red capsicum, carrots, fresh italian parsleys and not to be left favourite korean shimeiji....all combined with the cooked ramen ...sprinkle some sesame seeds on them ...chilled them and serve them cold. Yummy if you like it cold. For me , not everything I like chilled except for this dish. I used Kikkoman Teriyaki Honey Sauce and it was a great sauce for this ramen dish! You can have it hot if you do not like it cold :) Japanese eat them cold though :))

Chlorella Ramen from the the organic shop. It has a lot of goodness in it ,so they claimed. They used organic high protein flour, japanese chlorella, seasalt and filter water to make the ramen. Mmmm .....chlorella is good for health..body and brains. Good for Elin ! :))

this is what I found in the fridge drawer and into the wok they go
to make a delightful dish for the ' queen ' Elin :p

look how yummilicious ....appealing to you ?
I can have the whole dish to myself....

the teriyaki honey sauce goes well for this dish
D-E-L-I-C-O-U-S !!!!

Ramen Cold Dish


1 serving of Organic Dried Chlorella Ramen
1 tbsp of olive for the ramen
1 red capsicum - julienned
1/2 carrot - julienned
1/2 pkt of korean shimeiji
3 pips of garlic - chopped
3 sprigs of fresh italian parsley- chopped
1 tbsp of olive oil
1 tbsp of kikkoman teriyaki honey sauce

Preparation :

Cook the ramen in hot water till al dente - rinsed over cold water ,drained and pour 1 tbsp of olive oil onto the ramen and mix well. Leave aside.

Saute garlic in a wok with 1 tbsp of olive oil till fragrant, add in the capsicum, carrot and shimeiji and stir fry till cooked. Add in teriyaki honey sauce and parsley. Dish on to the cooked ramen and lightly stir them together. Chilled in the fridge for 25 minutes and garnish with toasted sesame seeds.

* You can have it hot if you can't stand cold dish :)

Have a nice day !



  1. this is how u cook it.. so healthy looking dish.. no meat, nice for those on vegetarian..
    u r really creative in your dishes..

  2. Dear Elin!
    Great creation and beautiful pics as usual!
    And so healthy-looking!
    You certainly gave an idea!

  3. delicious indeed. and healthy to boot. the organic products from the shop in Ipoh Garden East?

  4. noodles done the way i like - healthy and not too strong tasting. yummmy .....

  5. Hi don't like japanese food then you may not like this :))

    Dear Robert..haha sure is a healthy dish. I love it cold especially now the weather here is so hot :)

    Hi James, I bought this from a friend's organic shop in Pasir Putih. They are many such organic shops that sell this organic ramen. The one in Ipoh Garden East doesn't have much choice. But the one in Ipoh Garden South ' Yummy' has more. :))

    Hi Celine, hope you like it prepared this sure is yummy and healthy :))

  6. That sounds so good! Beautiful pictures, too.

  7. Its the first time I've heard of ramen today. I like the way you do everything organic.

  8. Hi Shirley..haha not really but try my best to eat healthy...but sometimes artery clogging food can be so tempting :p

  9. I would love to try this some day. Hope my kids will like it!

  10. Oh Kristy you must try this out..good experience. The Japanese serve this cold :)

  11. the dish looks so colourful! This is great for summer!
