
Friday, November 27, 2009

Organic Oat Cereal Soy Noodle In Konbu Soup

I am not really a health freak but I do plan my meals properly…a well balanced diet and everything in moderation is my motto in life. I visited an organic shop the other day and had bought some dried organic noodles made of different ingredients and this oats cereal soy noodles looks good…has lots of nutritional values . I cooked them for dinner last night and wow…it did taste good….texture is exactly like the fettucine and has a subtle cereal and soy fragrance mmmm I will definitely buy more in my next trip there :) It is a versatile can have them in soup or fry them with veggies and meat fillets/shrimps. It will taste just as good. But for me, I cooked a konbu soup base with lots colorful veggies, like the carrot, fresh baby corns, wakame, curly lettuce/ little gem and on second thoughtsadded some shrimps to the soup for a more balanced diet. It is indeed a delicious bowl of noodle soup….serve with a plate of chopped chilli padi and fresh garlic with light soy sauce…Mama mia ! how could one go without this flavorful fresh chilli dipping . It is a must in my family to have this chilli garlic sauce when eating a bowl of soup noodle. A delish and a well balanced one dish meal !

dried organic oat cereal soy noodle made from organic oat and soy flour

Slurp slurp…. yummy !

Konbu gives out a very nice fragrant
when making clear soup for noodles

the colorful veggies make this one dish meal
a balanced diet...thumbs up!

you get the oomph eating this noodles with
the chilli garlic sauce...mmm my tongue is smiling again :p

simple and yet a great sauce for the noodles..we cant eat without this sauce :))

Organic Oat Cereal Soy Noodle In Konbu Soup


2 pieces of dried organic oat cereal soy noodles
Soup base:
1 small piece of dried konbu
3 bowls of water
3 chinese red dates
Sea salt to taste
5 fresh baby corns- cut into halves
1 small carrot – sliced
2 stems of curly lettuce/little gem
1 tsp of dried wakame – soaked
5 shrimps – deveined but leave shell intact


Cook the organic noodles in hot boiling water till al dente. Strained and arrange noodles in a noodle bowl. Leave aside and meanwhile boil 3 bowls of water in a soup pan under medium heat. When water boils add in konbu and Chinese red dates and boils under low heat for 25 minutes until you can sniff in the wonderful aroma of the konbu. Add in all the veggies, wakame and shrimps. When the shrimps turned red, add in sea salt. Boil for another 3 minutes. Off the heat and pour the soup over the cooked noodles and serve hot with the chilli garlic sauce.

Enjoy and have a great weekend !



  1. Looks good. I'm not really into health food - no wholemeal bread for me, please - but I really wonder what those oat cereal noodles taste like. Don't think we can get them here...

  2. I saw these noodles being sold and was tempted to buy them. Do they taste good? It looks very healthy with the soup and all. I want some!!

  3. That's a very healthy meal. I would love that. First time I hear of soya oat noodles. Should taste very nice.

  4. i miss this kinda clear soup !!! Yumboz!

  5. I must check out the organic shop for this. It looks good and very healthy. Thanks for sharing :)

  6. Very nice with a clear soup base and it is definitely a healthy meal.

  7. What a terrific, healthy meal. Your pictures are fantastic.

  8. Hi STP...really! Next time u come to Ipoh, I will buy some for you... you want to slim down or not ? LOL!

    Hi Tracie, they taste good just like pan mee /fettucine texture with a subtle oaty fragrant. Nice you should try it out :)

    Hi Mary...yup it is good especially with a nice yummy soup with lots of greens :) and not to forgive with the chilli sauce ...yumm!

    Hi Joanna....haha I know you will love this compared to your hostel food :p

    Hi are welcome! :)

    Hi Anncoo...yup nice and healthy :)

    Hi Mother Rimmy...thanks, it is yummy and lots of nutritional values :)
