
Monday, November 9, 2009

Mango Mochi

I made this for dessert ! Mango Mochi …I can’t believe it after having such a heavy dinner…well I could not resist making this for I love anything mango. I know that mango is best eaten fresh but at times we have to be more innovative and creative..ahem but I have been wanting to make this , since the day I stumbled upon this mango goodness mochi :) Sorry, I can’t remember where I stole this recipe from :p ,anyway thanks to the owner of this recipe…it could be from one of your blog :p It is easy and needs no professional skill. I still have a few mangoes left in the fridge drawer so I might as well try this recipe out. Mmmmm not bad, it is soft, fragrant and it taste good. A good after dinner dessert…chilled it before serving. It taste better chilled :) Take note, I did not microwave it but I steamed it for 20 minutes instead.

soft and malleable ....a bit tricky here,
handle gently and shaped into a ball,
coated with fresh grated coconut

melts in the mouth mango mochi
with the after taste of coconut goodness !

sweet mango bits filling...Mmmm yummy!

Mango Mochi


1 cup of glutinous rice flour
180 ml mango juice
¼ cup of castor sugar
½ mango – cut into tiny cubes
grated coconut for dusting/coating


1. In a porcelain bowl, combine flour, juice and sugar. Stir to mix well.
2. Cover with a cling wrap and microwave for 2 mins. Remove and stir well. Return to microwave for another 30 seconds. Stir-well and check for doneness. If not put it back for another 30 seconds, be careful not to burn it. In most cases, the first 30 seconds after the initial 2 mins should be enough.
3. Flour the working surface with coconut and use a spoon to drop a ball of mochi on top and quickly cover it with coconut. Wrap the mango inside and cover with more coconut. Shaped into balls. Moisten if necessary to close the edges, Pop in your mouth and enjoy!
Note: Chill it for 1/2 hour before serving :))

Have a delicious day!



  1. Mango flavour mochi! What a lovely idea. Great for summer... YUM!

  2. I love mochi and mangoes. I will be waiting for mango season and I will definitely make this one.

  3. At first I thought must use mochi flour to make this. Your recipe looks good. Already saved in my springpad.Tks

  4. I love mango mochi, too!! When mango season hits, I'm sure going to make some to satisfy my craving for these chewy babies!!

    Keep up the good work! I love your style of writing about foods LOL!

    Cheers from KL,

  5. Mochi and Mango!! Elin, you for sure know how to pamper your family!

  6. Dear Elin!
    These mango Mochi look "kawaii"/beautiful and "oishii"/delicious!
    Good work!

  7. tempting stuff. looks like onde-onde, but with fresh and sweet mangoes as fillings.

  8. Awesome, must be really delicious, think steaming the glutinous flour mixture is a safer bet. Lovely pics too.

  9. you are full of experiments arent you??!! mango mochi sounds divine ..mmmm

  10. elin!!! did u leave some for me?? i m back.. awww.. i love to try those too, u r really fantastic, u think of everything and make them into something yummylicious and delicious.. (hope u will bring me some tomorrow? LOL...taster ma.. )

  11. Hi Penny, yup this is a great dessert item :)

    Hi Divina, do try it will love it esp if you chill before eating it. Great dessert item :)

    Hi Anncoo, do give it a try :)

    Hi Pei-Lin, you will surely love this..all the mango-ey goodness in it :)

    Hi Angie, haha I have to pamper them...I love them as much as I love food :p

    Hi pigpigscorner, me them in the mochi...yumm yummy :))

    Hi Robert...good to have you around here. Thanks for your kind does look kawaii taste oishii :)))

    Hi does look a bit like ondeh ondeh but the texture is smoother and more softer...and of course the taste is vast it? Haha..I love this mango mochi...You can't get it anywhere in Ipoh but only from Elinluv's Tidbits Corner :p

    Hi Cheah, thanks :)

    Hi Zurin , miss your posts on baking....gambate!

    Hi Claire, haih this mochi can't keep time I make for you :p

  12. Mochi is awesome because it not only tastes good, it's fun to eat... and now, I can say fun to make!

  13. Mango Mochi? Just heard it the first time. You really hardworking!

  14. we're going to make some mochi soon..thanks for the inspiration!

  15. Hi Mae, mochi can have many varieties of fillings and mango is one of them...flavorful and tasty!

    Hi Little Inbox, nola it's just that we are Piggies...think of food all the time :p

    Hi Ravenous Couple, you welcome! I am sure you will love it!

  16. Fantastic! It looks super! Very unusual mochi :)

  17. I think this is the most gorgeous mochi I've ever seen so far! Love the fresh fruits in it. I bet my son will love it.

  18. Hi Little Teochew, try with mango is fabulous :))

    Hi Kristy, it is delicious and I am sure your son will love it :)
