
Tuesday, November 24, 2009


I can't believe it!!! I iced a birthday cake for Claire....LOL! a funny looking one too! Well, I really sucks when it comes to icing a cake but the most important is the thought...right Claire ?

I just want to wish you a very Happy Birthday and many more to then I will be good in icing a don't worry the next one will be better designed than this :)) I think I really need to go for cake decorating course soon !!! But rest assured the outside may not look appealing but the inside is moist and fluffy , the best butter cake ever ! LOL! So never judge a book by its cover applies in this case :p

Claire....this is made with love....thanks for the
warm friendship extended to me :))

haha...i found a flaw here....but who cares as long as I
know this cake taste good :p

I would like to dedicate this birthday poem to you , Claire

Birthday Blessings

Instead of counting candles,
Or tallying the years,
Contemplate your blessings now,
As your birthday nears.

Consider special people
Who love you, and who care,
And others who’ve enriched your life
Just by being there.

Think about the memories
Passing years can never mar,
Experiences great and small
That have made you who you are.

Another year is a happy gift,
So cut your cake, and say,
"Instead of counting birthdays,
I count blessings every day!"

By Joanna Fuchs

Have a wonderful day with your loved ones, Claire :))



  1. WOW! Elin, Good Job for the first time :D

  2. Not too bad Elin for a homemade. If I don't know, I would have thought you meant to do that flaw there just to give it a homemade feeling, haha!

  3. Elin, that looks really great! You are too hard to yourself, I think it looks really good!

  4. Wow, beautiful cake! I wish I was Claire! LOL.

  5. Flaw? What flaw? It looks nice. What icing did you use? Butter or whipped cream? It looks like royal icing though... How I wish I had a friend like you! Lucky Claire!!! *green with envy liao!!!

  6. Hi Anncoo...Elin shy * blushing..thanks :)

    Hi Quinn...haha your words made me feel so much better now LOL!

    Hi Angie...thanks but the design really sucks...could have done a better job :))

    Hi Little Teochew...thanks..I wish I had done a better job on the icing :)

    Hi Little Lamb..thanks :)

    Hi Authur...thanks the cake and icing tasted good except the design :) I used buttercream with a thicker consistency. Aren't you my friend already. We met and had a hearty meal together LOL ! When you are in town let us know...we will have another meal together :)) Dun have to been look better in red ! :))

  7. I would be very happy if a friend made a cake for me, no matter how it looks like! So far it's only me who have been making cakes for people.. :(

    You are a lovely friend to take the effort to bake and ice a cake for Claire. :)

  8. Hi Kat, I love baking and that's the only invaluable gift I can give to my friends....haha cakes that has a unique design *sniggering** that she can't get anywhere in town LOL! She really loves and appreciates the cake though.

  9. sweet of u la.. so jealous...


    ( to make kisses spell nice? muaaakkkk??? hahaha... )

    Elin.. my special thanks to u... God must have sent u to me .. a blessing from HIM.. u r an angel... oh, i m speechless today..wordless.. i dont know what to say except that I want to give u a big HUG .. OK.. I give u one tomorrow!!! xoxoxo... hahaha.a..

  11. STP and Mandy... isnt Elin beautiful!!! yeah.. dont have to envy.. we r all friends.. we love making friends.. all over.. anywhere.. see, we r thousands miles apart but somehow we r linked... that shows we r special to each other... *shake hands.. hugs*

  12. I wouldn't bother how it looks like if someone would bake a cake for me. The decorating part is not easy and you did a great job :)

  13. Your friend Claire is so blessed to have such a buddy like you!

  14. Hi Mandy...she loves butter cake , nothing I can get for her so made this cake for her to enjoy haha no nid to be envious...when ur birthday comes let me know :)

    Hi Cherry are good in icing..saw all your masterpieces..great can teach me a thing or two :)

    Hi Claire...thanks for all the muaks.... glad you enjoy the cake!

    Hi Kenny...thanks for your kind first masterpiece LOL!

    Hi Tracie....thanks..I feel encouraged by your words...gambate I will :))

    Hi Cheah...yup she is blessed :)) I am blessed too to have a friend like her. I found out that I am not too old to learn new things. She taught me a lot too! :)
