
Thursday, November 26, 2009

Fried Chinese Rice Cake aka Char Koay

I love this delicious chinese rice cake fried with preserved radish and lots of garlic . I went for my evening walk and saw this road side stall selling this and whoa...I told myself I am not going to cook dinner...we shall have this for dinner instead. Luckily , I brought out some ringgits with me and thus bought back 2 packets for the other half and the other for myself. I told the man to add eggs and requested for extra radish. I cut short my brisk walking and walked as fast as I in a marathon race , carrying these deliciousness with me , sniffing in the aroma of these fried rice cake as I took a detour back home....LOL! Very typical of me....when there is good food...I will cut short my brisk walking :p

We can get this dim sum dish from the night market * pasar malam * but this stall is still the best for me. Hot and garlicky aroma...who could resist such as simple and yet delicious mouth watering fried rice cake. Just look at the famous Ipoh bean sprouts and lots too...ohh, by the way , Ipoh is famous for its bean sprouts or 'taugeh ' :)

this fried rice cake is full of bean sprouts and garlic.....

the garlicky aroma with the dried radish...simply
mouth watering....:))

a light and hearty dinner for Daddy and Me

this is what Malaysian hawker food is all yet delicious :))
and the best thing is I don't have to cook but
someone out there, for once ,
cooked for me.....LOL!



  1. Rice cake? I guess this is different from "pek koi" (white cake) that we have here. Looks like chai thow koi (carrot cake)...and VERY delicious! How do you stay so slim? Usually people who can cook so well are....hehehehehe, like me!

  2. A simple dinner for the night ya...looks good!

  3. fried radish cake, or char koay is one of my favourite back in Penang.

  4. elin..i also like to eat this.. pasar malam ones are the best.. there is one in gourmet square, ipoh garden, but it is not nice.. next time u take me to your pasar malam.. havent been there for a long long time already..

  5. Elin, I want also..I like to eat also la..bring me along.....

  6. which pasar malam?? next time when im there i can go and get it.. :)

  7. Hi STP...haha I am slim becoz I sweat out what I ate the day before...hehehe brisk walking every evening for 1.5 hrs per time :p Hor so I know now that you cook Sibu here I will come :p

    Hi Little Inbox...yea at time I am too lazy to cook so I will normally tar pau back :))

    Hi James...this is my favourite too :)

    Hi Claire and Mandy....okay no problem and Mandy when you are in town just give Claire a tinkle and we can take u out to eat :) Claire knows the best place to eat :))

  8. oh my ! that just looks utterly delicious !!!

  9. Hey Jo, that is your favourite too but you don't get to eat it unless u are back for is oni on Monday! :))

  10. My fav too! I always have this when I go back!
