
Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Cheesy Baked Stuffed Kumato Tomato

The first time I heard of Kumato was from Kenny’s Blog – Chic Eats . Ever since then , I have been on the look out for it in Jusco. To my delight, I saw them at the supermarket section of Jusco yesterday. Needless to say out of curiosity, I bought a pack home . I have never seen this ‘ black tomato ’ before and finally was able to feel it and taste it :)) They are known as black tomato, color actually ranges from dark green to a deep brownish-red when ripe. Has a thicker skin and more juicy than the regular ones. Sweeter and have a stronger aroma than regular tomatoes. Juicy and high in vitamin C and anti-oxidants, kumatoes are rich in lycopene, a cartotenoid believed to reduce the risk of cancer….wow lotz of goodness in these kumato tomatoes :))
I had no idea how I am going to cook then when I bought them….use them in salad or soups sounds very plain so I decided to bake them with black pepper sausage bits and mozzarella cheese instead….awww this sounds delicious isn’t it?
You can either served it as Entrées or as accompaniment to your roast chicken.

kumato tomatoes are sweeter than the regular
I love it but it is pricey compared to the regular ones
a pack of 6 costs RM6.90

mouthwatering and aromatic filling to die for.........

topped it with mozzarella and mixed herbs

a peek into what I ate for dinner last nite .......

the sinfully rich cheesilicious stuffed kumato tomato.
See the mozzarella oozing yummy and flavorful!

I experience the deep satisfaction to have
contributed something wonderful to my belly LOL!

Cheesy Baked Stuffed Kumato Tomato


3 kumato tomatoes

fresh italian parsley
1 red onion - diced
1 black pepper sausage - diced
1 slice of wholemeal bread - diced
1 tbsp olive oil
pinch of sea salt
1 tbsp mixed herbs
2 tbsp mozzarella cheese -diced
ground black pepper * optional


extra mozzarella cheese
mixed herbs

Preparation :

Wash and clean the kumato tomatoes, cut off the top part and scoop out the seeds. Mix ingredients A together and leave it to stand for 15 minutes.

Preheat oven to 175ºC . Stuffed the kumoto tomatoes with the combined ingredients A. Place them on a baking tray greased with olive oil. Top it with mozzarella cheese and mixed herbs. Drizzle generously olive oil on the kumato tomatoes and baked for 20-25 minutes till the mozzarella cheese is oozing over the kumato and crispy brown. Serve immediately.

Quote of the day

" Part of the secret of success in life is to eat what you like and let the food fight it out inside. "

~ Mark Twain ~



  1. elin, u know what u made me do just now? i swallowed the imaginary kumato tomato into my stomach!! alright, this friday i go JJ and get the tomatoes.. and goodness knows, what else.. u better come along with me since u started this!! LOL.....
    (u really have a nice sumptiouus sinful dinner last night la!)

  2. I had never heard of a kumato before this post. Now I will have to keep a watch out for them at our local market. Lovely stuffing!

  3. I don't know this tomato, but I do know that I want one right now!!!

  4. Very nice pics. Haven't seen those tomatoes before, will keep an eye on it the next time I go to JJ.

  5. I am so making this. I love stuffed bell peppers and stuffed tomatoes...opppsss...I meant kumatoes!

  6. Yes, I saw this komato in the Hypermarket. Now I know what to do with it :)

  7. I don't see any kumato here...they look so cute and must have tasted great with melting cheese atop.

  8. Omigod, your kumato has been prepared to its fullest, I'm gonna steal your recipe, thanks Elin!

  9. Looks yummy! I could do this even with a regular tomato (since I don't see kumatos at the market). Yum!

  10. I've never heard or seen these before, but I'm a tomato lover from way back and your stuffing makes it look devourable :)

  11. this is one perfect meal!
    i love stuffed bell pepper/tomato/eggplant with lots of stuffing and lots of cheese. just like yours!

  12. Ah yes I saw them too at JUsco! but didnt buy them tho...:) the dish looks simply amazing ...MMMM

  13. That looks so cheesy and delicious! That is the first time I hear about kumato tomato. Thanks for sharing :)

  14. now thats new. the oozing cheese and sausage filling off-set whatever healthy benefit the tomatoes might have. :)
    but who's complaining?

  15. Fantastic! I would be happy just eating the stuffed kumatoes :)

  16. @ reanaclaire : LOL! I can imagine that!

    @ Cookin' Canuck : Ohh if you see them at your famer's market..please buy them is so sweet you will crave for more :))

    @ Tasty Trix : Yup, it is so sweet and yummy...good for salad :)

    @ No-Frils Recipes : Only JJ has them. I have not seen them in the wet market at all :)

    @ Quinn : try it once, you will forever crave for it...that good!

    @ Anncoo : :) it is nice taken baked or fresh in salad. They are sweet both ways :)

    @ Angie's Recipes : Hi Angie, they are cute n I love the color and taste ! Good for salad too.

    @ Kenny T : Kenny thanks for enlightening me with the write out on kumato in your post. Or I will never know about it :))

    @ Tasty Eats At Home : Hi TEAH, yup regular ones will do but kumato , the skin is thicker so it is suitable for stuffing and baking :)

    @ Capt Rachel : :) I love tomatoes too but this is kumato so special...everything is good about it :) texture, taste nd color :))

    @ lululu : haha..yup perfect meal for the day :)

    @ Zurin : Try it will love it if you love tomatoes :))

    @ Karine : Me too first time heard about are welcome :)

    @ J2Kfm : Hi James, haha did you read my quote for the the end of the post? Eat and let the food fight it out inside LOL!

  17. Hi The Little Teochew,

    haha Yup, this is so good that I can have six of them one shot....very delicious no doubt :))

  18. Looks great! I too made them in this way so that my kids will dig into it. I tried many ways in making all kinds of veggie so that my kids would eat them. Headache... headache...

  19. Never pay attention, so never realize got such tomato, hehe...
