We ate out last night , not that I like to eat out but once in a while I need to pamper myself , for once I was being served :p but came back looking for some dessert. I remembered Piggy Cuz gave us a bottle of homemade rojak sauce and it has been sitting in the fridge for a month , I think. So, I went to the fridge and rummaged for fruits or veggies that can be dipped with the sauce and hallelujah ! I found these ( mango, celery, yellow zucchini and ambarella aka as kedondong in local language ) in the fridge drawer and I cut them up and had a tongue searing hot session with the sauce. My goodness ! it was pungent hot but delicious at the same time. I dipped the fruits and veggies with the deliciously pungent hot sauce and Daddy was grumbling how hot the sauce was but I noticed that he ate them non-stop despite the fiery hotness :p and the whole lot was finished in less than half an hour…haha which Malaysian could resists such a wonderful and tongue searing hot rojak sauce. Thanks Piggy Cuz for those homemade Rojak Sauce. Of course, half way thru I had to rush for a glass for icy cold drink but it got worse, the tongue was like being set ablaze...that fiery ! Then I remembered some one once told me to gurgle with very warm water. It will reduce the fiery sensation on the tongue....:p ooppps I forgot about it so had to suffer a while :)
“ Yup , I know you didn’t make them but your Twins ! You must ask her to share the recipe with you so that you can teach me how to make them ” :p
only a true Malaysian can take the fiery hotness!