I had lotz of fun making buns for my Piggies especially when they requested for it…it meant one thing, they mizz those buns I make for them ;P Very time-consuming though, I had to make a few varieties…so this Momsie is smart. (",) use the same dough recipe and fill them with different ingredients and at the same time fulfilled their desires. I had to make them in two batches. First batch in the afternoon. Came back from a wake service and did the second batch…er…sometimes I wonder where my strength come from. I guess it's the insane passion to bake!
You must be wondering how they can finish such amount of buns…it amazes me too but they sure can coz they love to eat BUNS…buns for breakfast, lunch and dinner :)) The buns will last them for 2 days only LOL ! They love my homemade buns and even Kimberley , Piggy gal’s room-mate loves the buns too !! ^ * Therefore, I make extras for her :)) haha , she told Piggy gal this and that made my head swelled double when Piggy gal repeated to me in her sms last nite “ these buns tasted better than those sold in the bakery shop . Your mom can open her own bakery shop ” . Out of the mouth of a 21 yrs old babe ! LOL
I do enjoy their compliments especially from Piggy boy. He is the food critic in the Piggy clan . He smsed me last nite when he received those buns. “ I am eating your buns now , darn good !..can’t wait till morn ” so I replied him, “ come back more often then and you get to eat all those good stuffs I posted up ” …what a wicked Momsie…dangling the carrot in front of him , well , as the saying goes…the way to a man’s heart is through the stomach…do you agree with me ? :)) And this evening , he smsed me again with this message " the buns all damn nice, the sausage bun the best...finished already. I am going for my swim now " With this , I ate two bowls of fried rice :)))
I heart my Piggies muchie and I mizz them when they are not with me :(

brush on with garlic & parsley butter on top
plain garlic bun
piggy gal's favourite, garlic bun
mouth-watering sausage bun

" sausage bun the best "
-of course with lotz of
mozzarella and the garlic parsley butter!
Note to Piggies : I finished baking them at 2am and waiting for them to cool down
before packing them for delivery to you, Piggy boy ,
and I am glad
you enjoyed them!
And remember, start planning what you are going to get me
next coming Mother's Day ! (",) :O
Hmm...yea, you are really a smart mumsie. :P
ReplyDeleteYou mention you use the same recipe for 3 different flavours.
Please advise which one did you use.
Little Inbox: Haha, smart momsie becoz I can still hookwink them with different ingredients...:P
ReplyDeleteLing : The 3 dough recipes are just as good. For this time, I used the dough for Bacon Twist Bun :)
I love all these buns! 8-D