A very Happy and Healthy New Year
to all my blogger friends and all my blog readers!!!
Time flies and today is the first day of year 2009 . Every year I will be making a list of new year resolutions but I have to admit here that I can NEVER keep to them :p but this year I have added two new items....one - to continue to bake and improve my baking techniques and two - to continue to blog and improve my photography. Hopefully , I will be able to keep these two and fulfill them 100% :))))).
I would like to take this opportunity to thank each and everyone of you who has been continuously encouraging me and supporting me through out this one year of my blogging. Another twenty days from now is Elinluv's Tidbits Corner 1st year anniversary. I have truly enjoyed my this one year of blogging and hope to blog on . Sharing out tested recipes is indeed a joy and nothing gives me more pleasure than this. :0 :0 :)))
Have a good day and have fun today..the beginning of a new year!!!!