Wheew..I‘m back. Piggy boy needed to register and check-in to his hostel room on the 13th May . Have to make sure that all things are in order for him before he starts his college life on the 26th. Whilst Daddy had his meeting fixed during this time, I took this opportunity to take a short break and spend some quality time with the Piggies coz they will be back to studies soon. How I am going to mizz them ! *sobz ,sobz **
We had a busy day buying stuffs /groceries for Piggy boy to take to the hostel. Guess it is every Momsie’s instinct to stock up dry food stuff for her babies in case they go hungry in the nite. Haizz…. Don’t shake your head….haha that’s why God made WOMEN! MEN will say don’t spoilt the children! It takes the fun out of having childen then, if you can’t pamper the children. I pampered them but I spared not the rod too :)
The first nite , we walked to Jalan Alor to have dinner there. Daddy was not feeling well..stomach disorder ,so he gave it a missed :( . Jalan Alor has a lot to offer when it comes to food. All the yummZ delicious hawkers food. I spotted many durian stalls there. Boy, wished Daddy and Ernest were there with us.
We ordered their special ‘Or Chien ’- the omelette is the crispy type(different from the Penang style) , Fried Koay Teow and I tried out their Century Egg Porridge - ‘ Pei Tan Chook ‘ coz I just recovered from a bad cough not wanting to eat anything oily….surprisingly the porridge was nice. There were so much to eat but becoz Daddy was waiting for his dinner ,we had a quick one and bought back a packet of porridge for him. See, how considerate we were ….sacrificed our gastronomic desire just for his sake….. ^^

RM13 for a medium portion - can u count the nos of oysters?
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