Today, I went for my 3rd baking lesson :) I really look forward to this lesson coz I know I will be having lotz of fun there and making new friends too. Today's 1st item was Dark Chocolate Hazelnut Cake . 2nd item being Cheese Tarts With Blueberry and the 3rd item being Seafood & Crabs & Potato Pie. The Piggies squealed with delight when I told them what I will be learning to bake this afternoon. Anything to do with seafood, chocolatey and cheesy stuff will be enough to bring joy to my Piggies… especially Piggy gal…she loves seafood and anything cheesy :)
I managed to snap some pictures during lesson but pictures of the Dark Chocolate Hazelnut Cake did not turn out well so I ommited it in this post.
Truly, these lessons that I took have helped me improved my baking skills coz the teacher always give pointers to us. Tips and Techniques are very important and through these lessons ,I was able to understand the fundamental of baking. The type of butter used , the type of cream used for certain cakes, even sugar has many different types . I learned that eggs are easier to separate if the eggs are kept in the fridge before using. Even the grading of eggs are important in baking. Different types of cakes uses different grades. Some uses AA size, some A and some C.
The Whys and Don’t in baking are important to every baker .After going through only three lessons, I found that my baking skills has improved tremendously. Haha… no regrets attending these baking classes and am looking forward to the next one ^_____^

blind bake

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