EASTER is the festival celebrating the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead. It commemorates the event which is the keystone of Christian faith and hope and promises eternal life.
I was having fun decorating this piece of cupcake....the cake surface is small so not much can be done on it. So I can only piped a cross on it and put a heart deco on the cross. It has a meaning to it . Jesus was crucified on the cross for us on Good Friday....and was resurrected on the 3rd day which is called the Easter Sunday. The heart signify this, God loves us not because we are lovable but because He is love, not because He needs to receive but because He delights to give. He gave His only begotten Son , Jesus Christ , to die on the cross for our sins in order for us to have the promise of Eternal Life. He has Risen on the third day. Jesus is Alive Today, Yesterday and Tomorrow.
Palm Sunday falls on 16th March - the Sunday before Easter
Good Friday falls on 21st March - the day Jesus was crucified on the cross
Easter Sunday falls on 23rd March - resurrection of Jesus
** Holy Week is the week leading up to Easter, beginning on Palm Sunday
P/s. Piggal gal was baptised last Easter. May the Lord continues to bless her as she walks faithfully with the Lord and trusting God in all she does.
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