I have never felt so carefree and happy walking alone from the bus station to my work place at such early hour of the day...one word to describe the feeling.... AWESOME!
The early morning air was refreshing and cool and the surrounding was tranquil, not many people go to work early so there were not many vehicles on the road. Unlike in the capital city of Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur, people will leave their house very early to avoid being caught in traffic jam. But here in Ipoh, people do not need to rush to work for there is no traffic jam here. I took the opportunity to admire and appreciate the beauty of british architecture of some prominent buildings as I walked passed them. The breaking of daylight, streaks of purplish and pinkish rays splashed across the sky..... the sight was magical and it was breathtaking for a few seconds. I couldn't resist the impulse to capture this magical picturesque with my digi cam. For in another 1/2 an hour time, this magical sight will vanished, for the sound of vehicles passing by breaks the tranquil atmosphere.
I have here, some of the colonial government buildings pictures taken at daybreak. I had never had the opportunity to witness awesome sight before, as I travelled to work daily by car most of the time. Becos Daddy is in the States now, my handicap of not being able to drive has forced me to take the public transport to work . As such, I have to leave the house earlier so as not to be late for work. The walk from the bus station to my place of work takes about 20 mins. The inconvenience caused has turned it into a blessing for me :) It is indeed a BLISS for me to be able to drink in the beauty of daybreak as I walk to work each day. And the most blessed thing is , I realised I am not walking alone, GOD IS WALKING TOGETHER WITH ME throughout the short journey to work. :)

The Ipoh High Court

The beautiful fountain infront of the Ipoh Library

Partial view of the Ipoh Library

Sing and make music in your heart to the Lord, always giving thanks to God the Father
for everything, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.
Ephesians 5 :19-20 NIV
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